projects Tachyon Intelligent Multi-Scale Modeling of Distributed Resilient Infrastructure and Workflows for Data Intensive HEP Analyses AIMCI AI-Guided Resource Management for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure MINT Intelligent Management of Hybrid Workloads for Extreme Scale Computing AI4LCF AI-guided leadership facility management SEEr a Scalable, Energy-Efficient HPC environment for AI-enabled Science IRON Reducing Workload Interference on Massively Parallel Platforms smart HPC Toward Smart HPC through Active Learning and Intelligent Scheduling Kronos Hybrid Discrete Event Simulations MuMMI_R Models of Parallel Application Execution Time, Power, and Resilience COTA a COoperative framework for Topology Awareness RAPS Recovery Aware Parallel computing Systems PetaART Toward Petascale Cosmological Simulations using the Adaptive Refinement Tree (ART) Code FENCE Fault awareness ENabled Computing Environment Other competed research projects